Is oil and gas subsidized or taxed? For every dollar spent on production, two dollars are paid to governments. On average, fossil fuels are taxed to the tune of $1.3 TRILLION per year. The truth is, oil and gas production unlocks tremendous value -- most of which is captured by governments.
Have a look at the Velkerri and Barney Creek shales, intracratonic basin preserved shales back closer to 2 billion years in age, and broadly correlative to the first significant oxygenation of the atmosphere. Literally the dawn of the modern earth to me.
As a shale...core looks like every other one you've seen less the trace fossils. Causes one to wonder whether the organic source is as well understood as we'd hope. This is pre type I or II, ancestral kerogen.
Great work Ted. Reposting. Cheers
Cheers Dave!
Have a look at the Velkerri and Barney Creek shales, intracratonic basin preserved shales back closer to 2 billion years in age, and broadly correlative to the first significant oxygenation of the atmosphere. Literally the dawn of the modern earth to me.
As a shale...core looks like every other one you've seen less the trace fossils. Causes one to wonder whether the organic source is as well understood as we'd hope. This is pre type I or II, ancestral kerogen.
Very interesting! I’ll have to take a look at those.
Sorry, wrong post.